05:20xx :: Nags Head, NC
Every year Paige and I trek to the Outter Banks of North Carolina for a relaxing time under the sun. With beautiful evenings and bright, warm, sunny days we couldn't ask for a better place to vacation.
Nothing is better at the beach than the food. Places like Sam & Omies for breakfast, a burger at Mulligan's for lunch, fried shrimp at Tale of the Whale for dinner, followed up with a nice cold dessert at Fatboyz.
There are a million things to do and see. From the Wright Bros. Museum to the Cape Hattaras and Bodie Lighthouses, Ocracoke Island to Roanoke Island, kayaking in the sounds to deep sea fishing out of Oregon Inlet - or, just hang out on the beach and catch a few winks.
Since this is at least an annual trip, I'm just going to add photo's to this page as it suits me and drop a note if we come across something fun to do or someplace to eat.
Things We Do, See and Taste
As I mentioned, there is a lot to do on the outter banks. Then again, my beach vacations generally consist of eating, sleeping, reading, a drive on the beach and watching the charter boats come in with their catch. If I am up to it I'll add in a trip to Hatteras Lighthouse or ride the ferry to Ocracoke. Here are a few snapshots of my regular haunts:
Things that Fly
Being the home of heavier-than-air-flight, there is a lot to see when you look up kites, planes and wildlife.
For those that marvel at the science of light, you should visit the Wright Brothers National Memorial at mile post 7.5 Kill Devil Hills. And for those that have a license to fly, rent a plane at the Dare County Regional Airport and take some friends up for a ride with you. I was fortunate enough to know such a person and enjoyed the unique glimpse of the barrier island.
Let me share a few of the many pictures I have taken over the years...
Wild Horses on Roanoke Island
One year the Jeep played horse ferry for all of our friends that joined us that year. I have tons of photos of the wild horses to bore you with, but I'll weed through then and add the best ones over time. Enjoy...
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Books I've Read While at the Beach
In contrast to my wife's daily appetite for the written word, I'm the kind of person who reads - for pleasure - only a handful of book each year. Yet each year, I tend to read more and more and have come to really enjoy spending hours on end reading on the sun deck. While I've certainly read other books outside of vacations, below are a few of the titles I've read while at the beach.